Icelandic volcano erupts: Lava reaches houses in the city
Icelandic Meteorological Office (IMO) announced that a new eruption occurred yesterday at the Fagradalsfjall volcano and lava reached the settlements in the city of Grandavik.

IMO had evacuated citizens in the city of Grandavik, stating that an eruption would occur at the Fagradalsfjall volcano in November 2023. Stating that there was no problem after the eruption in December, the authorities announced that due to a new eruption that occurred yesterday, cracks formed in the volcano and lava reached the settlements in the city.


IMO stated that the lava has created cracks in the defence barriers built north of Grandavik against the risk of eruption since November. "There are two cracks just north of Grindavik; the larger one is in Hagafell and the smaller one is on the edge of the town. Lava is flowing from both cracks. The smaller crack, about 100 metres long, opened around 12 noon today and is located just 200 metres from the Efrahopi neighbourhood in Grindavik. Lava flows from here to the city limits and causes serious damage there."
