Public transport is free in Montpellier, France
In the city of Montpellier in the south of France, it was announced that public transport will be free for city residents as of the new year. Tourists visiting the city will continue to pay.

In the city of Montpellier, located in the south of France, between the cities of Marseille and Toulouse, it was announced that public transport will be free of charge for the residents of the city. In the statement made by the Municipality of Montpellier, it was stated that the decision will come into force in the new year, but tourists visiting the city will continue to pay.

The city of Montpellier is the 8th largest city in France. The population of the city is known as 478 thousand. The city became a metropolis in 2015 and has the title of the fastest developing city in the country. The city is considered to have one of the most important examples of urban planning with its infrastructure and transport network with international standards.
