France's attempt to teach democracy to Azerbaijan is wholly inappropriate - Trend News Agency's deputy director

BAKU, Azerbaijan, October 23. Although France considers itself the cradle of democracy and says that it made sacrifices to build democracy in history, we see that it is not based on democratic principles, Rufiz Hafizoglu, Deputy Director of Trend News Agency, Head of Turkic.World media platform, said in an interview, Trend reports.

He noted that France committed crimes against humanity in Algeria, Rwanda and other colonies. "These crimes have been proven by the international community. They killed more than 1.5 million people under the name of ethnic cleansing because they fought against colonialism in Algeria alone. I have many friends in Algeria, it is horrifying to listen to their fathers and grandfathers stories. France, the perpetrator, is conducting a biased policy against Azerbaijan today."

"Azerbaijani lands were under occupation for 30 years. France, as the co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group, did not take any steps to resolve the issue. On the contrary, France regularly made statements against Azerbaijan. It accused Azerbaijan of “insulting democratic values and opposing” them. After the last anti-terror measures, France's hypocritical position towards Azerbaijan was clearly seen. France openly supported Armenia after the 44-day Patriotic War. Another reason is the Armenian lobby, " Rufiz Hafizoglu said.

"Today, Macron behaves like an Armenian MP and says that Azerbaijan is carrying out “ethnic cleansing” without any information. Armenians left Karabakh voluntarily, despite Azerbaijan's many times telling them to accept citizenship and stay.

It is completely unacceptable for France to teach democracy to Azerbaijan. If Paris wants to see the realities, it should come and see everything on the spot," he added.