Netanyahu: Peace between Israel and Saudi Arabia will create a new Middle East
Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu spoke at the 78th General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) in New York, USA. Netanyahu said that the relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia are in the normalisation phase and said, "I believe that peace between Israel and Saudi Arabia will create a new Middle East."

Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu made the following statements in his speech yesterday:

"In countless meetings with world leaders, I have told them that Israel and the Arab states share many common interests and that I believe that these common interests can facilitate a breakthrough towards a broader peace in our region, because they had the wrong idea that no other Arab state can normalise its relations with Israel unless we reach a peace agreement with the Palestinians. I have been trying to make peace with the Palestinians for a long time, but I also believe that we should not give the Palestinians a veto over any new peace agreements with Arab states."


"Working with the United States, we signed four peace agreements. In four months, Israel signed four peace agreements with four Arab countries: United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco. The Abraham Accords were a turning point in history. Today we all see the blessings of these agreements. Trade and investment are booming with our new peace partners. Our nations are co-operating in trade, energy, water, agriculture, medicine, climate and more. Such peace will go a long way to ending the Arab-Israeli conflict. It would encourage other Arab states to normalise their relations with Israel. It would increase the prospects for peace with the Palestinians."


"At the G20 Conference, President Biden, Prime Minister Modi and European and Arab leaders announced plans for a visionary corridor across the Arabian Peninsula and Israel. It will connect India to Europe through sea links, rail links, energy pipelines, fibre optic cables. This corridor will bypass sea crossing points and significantly reduce the cost of goods, communications and energy for more than 2 billion people."


"The fanatics who rule Iran will do everything in their power to prevent this historic peace. Iran continues to spend billions of dollars arming its terror proxies. Iran's drones and missile programme threaten Israel and our Arab neighbours. Iranian drones have brought and are bringing death and destruction to innocent people in Ukraine.

But the regime's aggression is largely met with indifference by the international community. Sanctions must be rolled back and, above all, Iran must face a credible military threat.

As long as I am prime minister of Israel, I will do everything in my power to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons."
