Foreign Affairs: Azerbaijan had to take the necessary measures on its territory
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs made a statement regarding the operation launched by Azerbaijan in the Karabakh region, "Azerbaijan has had to take the measures it deems necessary on its own sovereign territory".

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs made a written statement regarding the military operation launched by Azerbaijan in Karabakh. In the statement, "Against the long-standing armed attacks and provocations against the members of the Azerbaijani army and security officers by the illegitimate Armenian armed elements in the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan, an anti-terrorist operation was launched today (19 September) by the Azerbaijani army, targeting exclusively military elements. As a result of the failure to address the legitimate and justified concerns it has constantly expressed about the situation on the ground in the nearly 3 years since the end of the 2nd Karabakh War, Azerbaijan has been forced to take the measures it deems necessary on its sovereign territory. We believe that the result-oriented continuation of the comprehensive negotiation process between Azerbaijan and Armenia, which has been carried out meticulously to date, is the only way to establish peace, security, prosperity and lasting stability in the region."