Electricity provided on Aghdam-Khankendi road for Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society carrying food supply for Armenians

AGHDAM, Azerbaijan.

Electricity was supplied to the Aghdam-Khankendi road, where a food convoy sent from Baku for the Armenian minority of Karabakh is currently stationed, Trend's Karabakh Bureau reports.

The work on laying a 1,500-meter power transmission line have been completed.

The power transmission line (110/35/10 kV) from the Aghdam-2 substation has been laid along the Aghdam-Askeran-Khankendi road to the site where the food convoy stopped.

Meanwhile, on August 29, the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society sent 40 tons of flour to residents of Armenian origin living in Karabakh. Currently, trucks are at the Russian peacekeepers' post on the Aghdam-Khankendi road.

An appeal was sent to the command of the Russian peacekeeping contingent with a request to create conditions for the delivery of the food convoy to Khankendi.
