National Gymnastics Arena in Baku - wonderful sports complex, Turkish Ambassador says

BAKU, Azerbaijan, March 12. The National Gymnastics Arena in Baku is a wonderful sports complex, Turkish Ambassador to Azerbaijan Cahit Bagci told Trend.

"The National Gymnastics Arena is a wonderful sports complex, I congratulate the Azerbaijan Gymnastics Federation on this. The Gymnastics World Cup competitions have been wonderfully organized. As far as I know, representatives of a large number of countries took part in the event," the ambassador said.

Bagci added that he was visiting the National Gymnastics Arena in Baku for the first time, but had previously been to other sports complexes in Baku, and that he is pleased with the number of sport events held in Azerbaijan.

"Today, our athlete won a bronze medal at the World Cup. In April, Antalya will host the European Championship, we expect good results from our athletes," he added.

The Gymnastics World Cup was held on March 9-12 at the National Gymnastics Arena in Baku. 173 gymnasts from 48 countries of the world took part in the competition, which is a record for the number of participating countries in the entire history of the World Cups in gymnastic disciplines in our country.

At the World Cup, Azerbaijani gymnast Nikita Simonov won a gold medal in ring exercises.